Southend Trades Union Council

Southend Trades Union Council
Our banner

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Message of Support from the General Confederation of Labour


The CGT (General Confederation of labour) _ Union Mairie de Roubaix (North)
_ and its members bring you the following message:

We are for your movement and support your fight against attacks by your Government.

In Britain, as almost everywhere in Europe, Governments impose austerity measures to meet the crisis.

Employees, retirees, deprived of employment, students, and all young people are not those responsible for the crisis. They must not bear all the consequences.

The solution to stimulate the economy is not to attack the public services, raising the age of retirement, to increase pension contributions, or to lower pensions.

The CGT Union and all its members, we wish you all our best wishes of success for this new day of mobilization and strike on Wednesday, November 30, 2011.

At the call of the F.S.E.S.P. (European Federation of trade unions of the public Services) and of the C.G.T. we will also be in action and organize several trade union rallies in France this 30 November to say:


Be sure, dear friends, that the CGT Union and its members are with you and welcome your combativeness.

Fraternal greetings.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Southend TUC press release - N30

Press Release
From Southend Trades Union Council (Southend TUC)
- For immediate use –
Day of Action - 30th November 2011
The Southend TUC is fully supporting the Day of Action for pensions justice called by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) on Wednesday 30th November.
We express our full solidarity with striking trade union members and call upon the Government to enter into genuine negotiations to secure the future of the public sector pension schemes.
The Southend TUC, in conjunction with the campaigning group Southend Against The Cuts, have organised a rally for union members and supporters under title ‘Unit the Resistance’ at 11.00am in the Victoria Plaza Area outside the Odeon Cinema, Southend High Street. In addition there will be a march of union members to Victoria Plaza starting from the Civic Centre, Victoria Avenue at 10.45am.
Southend TUC President Rachel Heemskerk said
“The average pay of a civil servant is £22,850 about £2000 less than the private sector average. Nearly a quarter of all workers are being paid less than £7 an hour work in the public sector. Public sector pay has been frozen when inflation has soared to 5%. The effect of inflation and the proposed increase in pension contributions represent a major pay cut for public sector workers.”
Ian Pope, Southend TUC Secretary added
“The Government has sought to set public sector workers against their counterparts in the private sector on the issue of pension funding. Private sector pensions are one of the greatest scandals of our age. Only 40% of private sector workers are currently in an employer-sponsored pension scheme. The Government should not be seeking to drag down the pensions of public sector workers, but to raise those of private sector workers.”

Thursday, 24 November 2011

November 30th - Local Picket Lines

There will be picket lines at the following workplaces on the Day of Action November 30th :-

Dencora Court, Tylers Avenue, Southend on Sea
Kingswood House, Baxter Avenue ,Southend on Sea
Rayleigh Jobcentre London Hill
Basildon Jobcentre The Gore
Basildon BDC Great Oaks House
HMRC, Alexander House, Victoria Avenue, Southend on Sea
Southend Hospital
Southend Civic Centre
South Essex College, Southend
Central Library Southend
Margaret Thatcher House Southend
Queensway House Southend
Southchurch House Southend
Avro, Southend
Viking Building, Southend
Chevoit House, Baxter Avenue, Southend

Please visit the nearest picket line to show your support!

Saturday, 12 November 2011

TUC Day of Action - 30th November

A Defend Public Services/ Strike Rally will be held at 11am in the Plaza Area outside the Odeon Cinema, High Street Southend.
We will have speakers from PCS, UCU, UNISON, Southend Trades Council and Southend Against The Cuts. (NUTand ATL have been invited)

There maybe a short march from the Civic Centre Victoria Avenue leaving there at 10:45am!