Southend Trades Union Council

Southend Trades Union Council
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Saturday, 2 November 2013

Our next meeting


Date :             Wednesday 6th November 2013
Time :             6.30pm
Venue :         The Bar Vic,
39-41 Victoria Avenue, Southend-On-Sea SS2 6DF
                        **** Please note the new venue for our meetings ****


1.         President's opening remarks
2.         Apologies for absence
3.         Minutes of last meeting held on 2nd October 2013 & matters arising
4.         Campaigning activities
·        Motion from PCS R&C South East Essex Branch
5.         Branch Reports
6.         Financial Report
7.         Correspondence
8.         Any other business
9.         Close of meeting - by 8.00pm

Ian Pope

That this meeting of Southend TUC agrees to circulate material encouraging affiliated Branches to pass resolutions and inform their membership in regard to HMRC’s intention to close nationally ALL 281 Public Enquiry Centres (PEC) by 1 April 2014.

Last year over 2.4 million people visited the PEC’s nationally – many of the most vulnerable people in society were helped with their Tax and Tax Credit enquiries. HMRC’s argument is that they are too costly to run.

If the closures go ahead it will result in 1200 job losses nationally on top of the projected 6200 job losses in HMRC by 1 April 2014. This follows the estimated 35000 job losses since 2006.

In particular we appeal to affiliated Branches to:

a.     Raise the issue with their members – leaflets and posters are available from PCS R&C South East Essex Branch
b.     Ask shops to display the posters
c.     Raise the issue with MP’s Raise the issue with Southend Borough Council
d.     Raise the issue with any and all community Groups
e.     Send messages of support to the dozen staff based in Alexander House
f.        Raise the issue at each relevant level within their own Union structures.

Save our PEC’s. Maintain the human face of public services. No job losses.