Southend Trades Union Council

Southend Trades Union Council
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Saturday, 16 July 2011

Your Tax Office Services Reduced "To Save You Money"

HMRC recently announced they would be reducing the days and hours of many of the ‘Face to Face’ Tax Enquiry offices nationally.

Southend Tax Enquiry Office will from 13th June have the following opening days and times

New Days Opening:  Monday, Wednesdays and  Fridays only
New opening times: 9.30am –  4.00pm

According to HMRC, these changes will ‘introduce more efficient working processes, requiring fewer staff, to provide an improved customer service but at a reduced cost.’

What this 22 hours weekly reduction actually means to you is

·        inconvenience of reduced opening days
·        more queues and waiting times to get appointments
·        poorer customer service, as fewer staff will be available to help you

This will especially affect the elderly and those who cannot afford lengthy and costly telephone calls to the department’s tax enquiry contact centre.

This won’t be the end of the cuts either. While HMRC continues to reduce services ‘to make efficiencies,’ the free ‘phone helplines available in tax offices will be the next service to be cut ‘to improve customer service!’ 

If you are unhappy about any of this, please make your concerns known to your local member of Parliament by writing to them at the House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA:

Southend East & Rochford -  James Dudderidge MP
Southend West -  David Amess MP
Rayleigh & Wickford –  Mark Francois MP
Castle Point –  Rebecca Harris MP

OR contact your local Councillor or Citizen’s Advice.

  HMRC said they consulted the public about these changes:

          Make sure you have had YOUR  say now!

PCS South East Essex Branch (R&C)
Fighting unnecessary cuts to YOUR Public Services!

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